Scott and Scott Compliance Manager
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Software publishers and their trade associations are targeting companies of all sizes accusing them of software piracy and copyright infringement. The issues arising in software audits are unique and require both legal and technical expertise. Additionally, the costs associated with software audits, even those that are resolved successfully, are substantial. Companies must implement processes and controls to proactively maintain software license compliance and protect their business from the risks associated with a third-party software audit.

Scott & Scott’s Compliance Manager™ was designed and developed by attorneys and IT consultants that specialize in software compliance and audit defense. It has been used to inventory thousands of machines in companies of all sizes. It is field tested and proven to successfully aid in both the defense of an active third-party audit and in proactive, ongoing software licensing compliance management.
  • Compile and produce accurate installation information. Automatically filter inventory data to show only those titles that require a fee and licensing agreement, and exclude irrelevant shareware, freeware, and component parts from your reports.

  • Automate network inventory, software title reviews, and reconciliation efforts, ensuring you have gathered the necessary information required to adequately respond to an audit request. Improperly reporting software installations can potentially inflate the monetary portion of a settlement and jeopardize the release of liability.

  • Document all necessary procurement and installation information to demonstrate proof of ownership for software licenses. Trade associations and publishers only accept dated proofs of purchase, with an entity name matching that of the audited company, before acknowledging that the company owns a license for a particular product.