Scott and Scott Compliance Manager
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Software Inventory
Hardware Inventory
License Reconciliation
License Product Guide
Inventory Analyzer
Compliance Manager 15-Day Trial
Who Should Buy?
Powerful Reporting OverviewOverview
OverviewReasons to Buy
OverviewScreen Shots
Discrepancies between installed software and software licenses can leave your company vulnerable to security risks and potential legal liabilities. By providing a comprehensive view of your IT assets, Scott & Scott’s Compliance Manager™ bridges the gap between your installation details and procurement records. Corresponding license reconciliation reports offer automated recommendations for available upgrade paths, qualifying underlying products, or downgrade rights to help you maximize existing licenses and find cost effective routes to software license compliance.
Data Filtering: Data collected during the scan is automatically filtered to show only those titles that require a license. It excludes irrelevant shareware, freeware, and component parts from your reports.

Procurement History: Third-party software auditors like the BSA and SIIA require invoices to prove software license compliance. Scott & Scott’s Compliance Manager™ lets you document and store all the pertinent proof-of-purchase information in the same tool as your software inventory.

Real Time Updates: Scott & Scott’s Compliance Manager’s database of software titles and licensing rules is updated regularly, ensuring up-to-the-minute accuracy in reporting and reconciliation recommendations.
Reasons to Buy
Prove Software License Compliance: Scott & Scott’s Compliance Manager™ gives you the network visibility and tools that you need to compare your software inventory to your existing software licenses.

Avoid Over-purchasing: Review your current software licensing status, and efficiently reallocate licenses, upgrade, downgrade, or negotiate more appropriate licensing agreements.

Minimize Legal Liability: A global view of your software assets and software licenses will simplify reconciliation. Quickly understand where your enterprise may be vulnerable to legal liability for non-compliance issues, and restructure to update and reallocate all software licenses.
Screen Shots
Web-based user interfaces make searching, sorting and documenting your software and hardware inventories and software licenses simple and efficient. Drill down menus allow you to access detailed information filtered to view a specific machine’s inventory, or a specific software title, by simply clicking on the drill down links. The preconfigured reports let you customize your views. Organize and view data according to the requirements of your company or a particular software license compliance project. Sort data by software title, license summary, or license reconciliation detail. Easily export reports to Microsoft Excel or Adobe PDF, using the export key, to use in other business processes.
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