Student Counsel is up and running

When students go off to college, it is natural that they seek to find themselves.

Unfortunately, this often comes with unintended consequences. Even the best of kids, from the best of homes, find themselves in situations where they need advice or counsel from someone older, wiser and, of course, not their parent!

As a former Judge, I have ruled in cases that have had long lasting impacts on the lives of students, and on the lives of those who love them. As an attorney, with more than 50,000 cases nationwide, I have provided a sympathetic ear, unbiased insight and sometimes legal representation on everything from fraternity pranks gone awry to criminal activity where bad judgment was followed by bad actions. As the father of three college graduates, I learned or heard every excuse, rationale or reason for every kind of harmless mischief one could imagine occurring at an institution of higher learning.

Student Counsel was formed with the sole purpose of providing college students with advice to meet the challenges they face at school and in life. This program provides services consistent with those offered at other Big XII institutions. We have assembled a top flight group of professionals to provide guidance, direction and meaningful advice to your college student.

I invite you to invest an annual risk-free $100 in the life of your college student, and best wishes to you and your student this college session.

J. Keith Butler Student Counsel CEO