Student Counsel is up and running

Attention Parents!

1. Employers can easily access a person’s criminal record for a crime bureau with a social security number and a minimal fee.

2. One poll reported that up to 30% of university females were sexually harassed on campus and that 21% of harassed females have actually missed class as a result of such harassment.

3. There is more than $129 billion in scholarships made available to college students, much of which is not provided through your child’s institution. Your child does not need a 4.0 grade average to qualify and compete for many scholarships.

4. Depression affects 76 out of 100 college students - mainly new students. According to the National Mental Health Association, 10% of all college students have been diagnosed with depression. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students, second only to drunk driving and alcohol related incidents.

5. In 2003 there were more than 200,000 alcohol related arrest and disciplines reported from administrative units within institutions. This statistic does not include arrest made by municipal or county officials. It is also estimated that over 2.1 million students drive under the influence each year.

6. 45% of college students are in credit card debt averaging $3,000; and yes, bankruptcy can happen to a college student

7. Preventative measures can be taken to ensure that a student is not held liable for illegal substances of a roommate.

8. 44 of the 50 states have anti-hazing laws. Hazing has been a factor in over 50 deaths involving universities’ Greek systems.

Attention Students!
what would you do if.....

1. You get cited for an MIP or DUI?
Over 2.1 million students drive under the influence of alcohol each year. In 2001, it is estimated that 1.4 million people were arrested for driving under the influence.

2. You get in credit card debt or have a low credit score?
It is legal and easy for potential employers to pull up your credit report and deny you a job due to a low credit rating.

3. You were involved in a traffic accident or received a traffic violation? What is the # 1 cause of death among teenagers?
It’s not guns or drugs. It’s traffic accidents. Teen drivers acount for 18% (1,964,000) of all drivers involved in police reported crashes.

4. You or a friend had an eating disorder?
5 to 10 million women and 1 million men are affected with eating disorders, with the highest rates occurring in college-aged women.

5. Your landlord mistreated you?
All landlords are required by law to maintain certain rented structures and provide each rental home with certain working features. Also, a landlord may only enter the rental premise upon certain situations.

6. You or your friend were suffering from substance abuse?
College students who abuse prescription drugs and alcohol are more likely to begin using illegal drugs. Heavy drinkers are more likely to drop out of school and perform less well academically.

7. You were seeking help for a suicidal friend?
Suicide is preventable. 1 in 12 college students has made a suicide plan. Nearly 1,100 suicides are projected to occur on college campuses this year.